
Showing posts from April, 2014

Bait and Switch

The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines Bait and Switch as: a selling method in which a customer is attracted by the advertisement of a low-priced product but then is encouraged to buy a more expensive one. In the online world I define Bait and Switch as: luring people with a photo (either not yourself, or a picture from 10 years ago) and then showing up. I feel like I have been a victim to this trickery. Yes, this makes me sound shallow, but I would not have messaged them if I had known what they truly looked liked. First Incident: The first Bait and Switch occurred through Tinder. We started messaging each other and decided to skype after because it looked like we weren't going to meet anytime soon. Lets just say I'm pretty good at keeping a straight face and I had something else up on my screen while chatting with him. His Tinder picture was of a guy who looked outdoorsy (he even said he was), clean shaved, and approx in his late 20's early 30's. What I got w...

Is Online Dating Really Easier??

Is online dating really easier than meeting someone in a club?? When I go on my OK Cupid account I see that there are over 180,000 members.. So.. How does that make it easier to meet someone? It turns out you have to be very proactive on it! The only difference is that when you have the courage to message someone, they don't necessarily have to respond. I actually take the time to read over someone's profile, and message them, but no response. Although this is a faceless dating site there should still be some etiquette. I mean is it not considered rude for them not to either respond to the question or even just say thank you? I know they checked out my profile, which makes me sad... I thought online dating was supposed to relieve the pressure... Also, when did everyone start working out? These guys who are "so active" may still be single because they don't have time to meet girls.. Working, gyming, meeting up with friends pretty much takes up the whole week, s...

Older does not mean wiser!

So, I have dabbled with guys who are in their 30's when I was in my 20's and guys in their 20's right now (in my 30's). So then I thought why not expand my range?! I clearly can't go younger, so I decided to go older. I have talked to two guys in their 40's. One was 41 and the other 47, both didn't turn out so well. 41 yearold This guy was tall lean a carpenter who just so happened to be working on a basement in my area. He messages me and we have a decent conversation and he asked me if I wanted to meet up. I declined politely because I had other plans. One day I finished work early, went home and decided to message him and asked him if he was available to meet up. He said sure and we decided on a time. Then all of a sudden he asks me why I had agreed to meet him. I told him I thought he was nice. Then he goes on a rampage on how I didn't read his profile and that I don't know anything about him. At this point I am annoyed and reminded him he...

Perfect On Paper Means SHIT!

I messaged a guy on OKC. Yes, I messaged him because he was attractive and his profile intrigued me. So we exchanged some messages, but our messages were getting longer and longer, so I decided to give him my telephone number so we can text. He is a really sweet guy (Check) with a great job, he works for the bank (Check) . Always texted me in the morning to wish me a great day and messaged me after work hoping I had a great day. There was also a snow storm and told me to be careful! What a sweet guy! (Check) (Check) (Check) He also loves to golf and I mentioned how I wanted to learn and he said he would take me (Check) . So we decided to meet.. We agreed to meet at a Starbucks near my house. He calls me 5 minutes after the time we were supposed to meet saying that his car broke down. I thought.. what a load of shit! But we agreed to meet another day and I told him he owed me! So, we met on that Friday. When we agreed to meet he said he was going to make reservations at that point ...


Soooo... I went on my first date from Okcupid. I thought after my Tinder dates I can take on the online dating world! The person I met was sort of pushy, which I thought was ok because it showed assertiveness.But as usual I was wrong. We messaged each other through the Okcupid platform and then in the midst of me replying back he instant messaged me and told me he couldn't wait for my email replies. Then he requests for my telephone number which I gave to him. So, we started texting.. His screen name had something to do with cooking.. so I asked him if he was a good cook or if he enjoyed cooking he said sort of/not really to both those answers (What the hell? Then why would you make it your screen name?).. He was very pushy to meet, so I had agreed to meet with him at a Starbucks. OMG! WTF? I got there early (15 mins), the guy tells me he will be there in 20 mins (5 mins late from our scheduled time). Then he messages me again at our scheduled time and tells me he will be...