Dates are like Interviews... pt.2

I don't know about you, but I have been on many many many job interviews. Recruiters really like my resume, but the companies I meet with don't seem to think I'm right for the position. On paper I seemed to be qualified, but apparently not in person.

So, I went on a date few weeks ago....

His specs:
Job: Teacher
Ethnicity: Korean
Lives: Toronto
Memorable Quote: "I am extremely cheap"
Height: 5'6 (I am 5'5, when we were standing on a small slant I was taller than him)
Religion: Something that sounds cult-ish

Guys!! If you are cheap, DO NOT announce it on your first date!! The word cheap has a negative connotation.

Anyways, I thought the date went well, he had a great personality (although short). We knew a lot of the same people, dated a girl I know and even went on a date with my friend few years ago! The girl broke up with him because he was in a cult-ish religion.. He did try to justify it (but I agree with her) ... He also talked about showing me things in the future (I'm not sure why guys do that!? They can talk about something and NOT say, "I will have show you sometime" I don't really need to see it!).. That is giving false hope! It's like in a job interview when the interviewer starts talking about all the tasks and changes you can bring to the company with your skills.

He told me to message him when I got home, which I did and I thanked him for the evening. He said, "Your Welcome" and then nothing after that!

One thing I appreciate after a job interview is the follow up. Whether they keep me in the loop about what's happening with the position or sending me an e-mail or a phone call to let me know that I didn't get the job, or that they will not be proceeding with me.

I must say I am guilty of the lack of follow up as well. It is hard to turn someone down, especially when there isn't another prospect. But either way it is courtesy to let someone know you won't be pursuing them.

This one knew I had a blog and thought he wouldn't be on it because the date went well.. Oh wells, the follow up is part of the dating package.. For those cowards who don't want to reject your date after (just informing them there is no future), think twice before not doing it. You might end up on a blog!


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