Slowly Being Ghosted??

 Not too sure what happened after date 3.. He was all of a sudden a lot busier.. didn't message as much. I sort of understood where he was coming from.. He doesn't trust his trainers so I guess he has taken on more clients, considering he charges $250/hour that goes straight to his pockets. We were supposed to go on date 4 on Thursday because on Friday, I was going to Chicago.... but he had messaged Thursday afternoon to tell me he's not in a condition to meet up and have a conversation.. and slowly.. the messages are far and in between... sus?

We were still chatting here and there, since I lost bowling, I owed him a facial. I didn't want to take him to a $200 facial that I've been wanting to try and I didn't want to take him to a facial place where I didn't know their standards. So, I asked him if he wanted to go to a facial or see Tina Turner musical. He said definitely the musical. I went a head a purchased the tickets for $300 (both). But because of his sus behaviour I asked my friend if she would be my back up. 

Went to Chicago Friday, I was talking to him a bit up until then... Saturday, NOTHING (but viewed my IG stories; you know who messaged? BB29!).... Sunday, NOTHING (but viewed my IG stories)... Monday, I had messaged him and asked him how he was doing. He said he has been not feeling well... no message after that.. Tuesday morning, I asked him how he was feeling... nothing throughout the day, finally in the evening, I messaged him, are you dead? He said yes... Wednesday he went to the Drs for blood work, he's still not feeling well.. Thursday.. still not feeling well, went home early from work.. Friday.. perhaps 4 conversations. I understand not wanting to chat when being sick, but HELLOOOOO I have been sick this week too!! Monday, slept all day... Tuesday, I went to work, I had to come home early. Wednesday, I worked from home.. Thursday, night I thought I was dying.. Friday morning, I went to the gym and I thought my lungs were on fire.. I was sick, but still had concerns for him because he had almost died or did die for a bit? I'm trying to be a decent human right now and it seems like I am being clingy.

Honestly, I am the queen of ghosting.. I can slowly play this game too. Which sucks, because there were some red flags about him I was going to sort of look past...

Red Flags:

1. From the jump he made it sound like he can take care of my financially and would say things like you can work for me.. or you've met me now..

2. As you know when someone says they own/owned a property I am going to look it up.. I actually DID not have the urge to look it up.. but when things were going a bit sus I did and he didn't.

3. There were a lot of fronts like he had money, but there has been contrary evidence. He bragged that he bought his best friend a Chanel purse. 

4. He told me stories where there were "articles" about him.. I obviously Googled and did NOT find any articles about him...

5. He's adamant that he's 5'4, but I'm 5'4 1/2, and he's way shorter than I am.. this is just a lie guys tell themselves I guess (this one might not be as big of a deal).

6. He only dates Asians, he made a joke that his trainer wanted to swipe for him and Gym Guy said you know my type.. Trainer said, "yup Asians".. that took me by surprise.. perhaps because he is small and Asians are generally small!?

7. His best friend lives literally a block away from me and he's never been to her house? He also claims he doesn't have friends just acquaintances. 

I don't know if last three are red flags, but I was willing to look past these. Also, because I have not had a 4th date with him, I am NOT going to be taking him to Tina Turner where I spent $300 on a guy I had just met? NO Thank You! If this does continue, I will take him to a different one, maybe Shrek. But we will see. I think this is fizzing down, and I don't really care to ask why and where we went wrong. I have amazing friends who will be my date to events and when I am sick, I can take care of myself.

After all, I did go to Weedman's house as soon as I landed from Chicago.. there is also a chance I might be in Vegas for the weekend with BB29!!! I think my life is kind of interesting lol.. 


Since writing this, I was not able to sleep and went through the whole, why don't people want to date me? Questions and playing back the dates in my head. So, I asked:

Even if we do not end up going for drinks, at least I know it wasn't the dates. I feel better now.


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