We are Boyfriend/Girlfriend! One Step Closer to the Alter!

So, Kangta was going to be my husband in my head, but he didn't know it yet. I played it cool..

I met Kangta on the 7th, on the 13th I went to church (yes on a Thursday) and prayed.. I met this great guy.. Give me a sign.. By 16th I got my sign.

We met on the 15th, by this time we were meeting each other 3 times a week. On November 16th approx 3:30am he told me he liked me! I couldn't believe it.. This was my sign! Again, I was on cloud 1000!! He said lets get to know each other, I was ecstatic!

That night we met up, he was having a bad day and so I suggested we go to karaoke. For those who know me know I LOVE to karaoke!! He is a great singer (check)! After this we were pretty much meeting up everyday. We were going to bars around the area and just talking for hours!

We were getting to know each other and where we have been and where we want to go. Talked about our friends and family. The more I knew about his life the more I was starting to fall for him. Even his shady past, I thought was the what made him who he is today..

He worked crazy hours like 6:30am-6:00pm - So I told him, if he's ever too tired to meet me he can always cancel.

His response made me melt... he said, "If I ever make plans with you I will never cancel, no matter what!" (Second Lie).

The following week we were supposed to go for sushi, but he was sick so he canceled on me (this was the start of many illnesses)! I guess I should understand, but if you say "I will never cancel no matter what" then don't cancel. BUT unfortunately for me... That night I scored company basketball tickets.. We had SICK seats!

Few weeks later I had Kangta and I were talking and he said he referred to me as his girlfriend.. I was shocked.. I guess that's the difference between a FOB and a Second Generation. Lets get to know each other means different.

FOB - lets get to know each other means - Lets get to know each other as boyfriend and girlfriend.
2nd Generation - lets get to know each other means - we are dating, but can see other people.. OOOps!

From that day on I was telling EVERYONE I had a boyfriend. A decision I now feel stupid about because he had told no one. When I say no one, he told his bar friends, but did not tell his family or his close friends (should have been a red flag).


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