Post Covid Dating - Getting Dissed by a Dirty Used Car Salesman

Soo.. now that things are opening up, my friends are pushing me to do online dating again, or at least get myself out there. My excuse of working has surfaced again, so this time my friend Kelly and her husband are doing the online dating for me. They met on Bumble and are now married. Since it worked for them, why not get the pros to do it?

Kelly is doing a great job pretending to be me, for now she is using the Bumble app. She has been talking to three potentials. One of the potentials wanted my number for WhatsApp and I said sure. I am open to talking to anyone (I just don't like the hunt). 

People ask me what my requirements are and they tell me my standards are too high! Do you know why my standards are high? It's because when a piece of shit disses me I get pissed, but when a guy meets all my criteria and disses me, I am not so mad. 

Lets call this new guy Dirty Used Car Salesmen. Kelly warned me he was a three word kinda guy.


  • Asian
  • 42
  • Works for a used luxury car dealership
  • Does mortgages on the side
  • Drives a Civic LX 
  • Came from Taiwan by himself to Canada 20 years ago
If you work at a luxury car dealership, why are you driving a Civic? I told him I drove a Civic too, I am very proud I drive a SI. He asked me if I wanted to race, I was excited thinking he has a SI too. Then he tells me he drives a LX and it's not standard.. Like WTF? Are you seriously going to race me in your BASIC CIVIC? He then proceeded to ask me if I wanted to teach him standard.. HELLLS NO!! Also, you must be a shit salesperson if you can't even drive a BMW 1 series, he is probably fiscally responsible, but why wouldn't you want to maintain the image of being successful? Does he own a place? I don't know!? Because we never got that far.

I told him I was Korean and of course he tried to say something in Korean and I was like WTF are you trying to say? I absolutely hate when people try to speak to me in Korean when they are NOT Korean. I don't know if they think it's cute or if they think it's impressive! GET YOUR BASIC SHIT OUT OF HERE!!! What am I supposed to do with your one liners?

Our conversation only lasted for 2 days (see the text that ended our conversation). Like EXCUSE ME??? Calling me a "Chubby Type"? WTF? Are you FUCKING 12????? I told Kelly about it and she unmatched this guy right away! Then I get a message from him asking me if I have deleted him on Bumble.

Why doesn't this guy have any social cues? You call me fat and then you expect me to continue a conversation? Times like these I think about calling Weedman, at least he tried to make me feel comfortable in my own body. I swear the single guys out there are single for a reason!

It's unfortunate this had to end so soon, I didn't even get to go on a date?! Filtering guys on these dating sites is sooo time consuming! I would rather spend my time on other things, but at least it gives me content for this blog. I have read my past entries and I thoroughly enjoyed reading and writing them! 

My mom keeps telling me that I should stop looking for guys that "have it all": looks, money, education, ambition, etc.. The only thing I should look for is someone who is kind and who will treat me well. But aren't those the basics? She is telling me to find a guy with basic human decency.. COME GUYS! Fucking, UP YOUR GAME, JUST BE A DECENT HUMAN BEING!!! Onto the next guy!! Sit tight! I hope to be more active on this blog!


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