Date 1 - Gym Guy
As of right now, I have gone on 3ish dates with GG.
Gym Guy ("GG")
- owns a gym
- profile says 5'
42 - had a gf got a place together broke up around Covid
- possibly drinks too much (drinks 2-4) glasses a day with maybe one day off
- <I think has gone through a lot in his life, a lot of hardship - I was correct
- seems to be down to earth
- I'm supposed to go on a date with this guy on Saturday, I told him where and what time.. lets see what he comes up with
Date 1: Four Seasons dBar
This was out of convenience. I was celebrating my friend's birthday in Yorkville we first went for a scalp analysis and wash at Objibik and then had high tea at Four Seasons dBar. Since I was already there I told GG to meet me, while I was there I made a reservation at dAzur, their patio. I had to change the meet up time because I wanted to spend more time with my friend; his flexibility was appreciated. He actually came 10 minutes early. I didn't even have a chance to see my friend off, I had to leave her as she waited for her car from the valet; by the time I paid the bill and walked to her car I was 5 minutes late.
I appreciated that he came early, he was sitting and my immediate thought was, huh.. he is cute. We were deciding what to drink, at this point, I had already had champagne and wine. I couldn't decide between a Sangria, red wine, or an Espresso Martini (which so many people were drinking). The red wine I was going to get was a Melbec, when he said he was going to get a Melbec, I know that was going to be my drink.
As always, the first interaction is awkward, to break the ice, I asked him about the weird dates he's been on. So, we started to share our stories. He then said, "I am glad the way you talk on texts is the way you talk in real life". I had made a comment that I have been on dates where the texts are great, but the guy is socially awkward in real life; apparently men have the same issue.
When I first went to the washroom, I had realized I left my purse, wallet, keys, and sunglasses at the table. I thought, what if he took off with it? I brought that concern to him and he said, he thought he would have to chase the person who steals it. I thought wow how thoughtful, protecting my bag. While we were talking I noticed a fresh scar on his knuckles, I asked him about it and he said he got into a fight because people tried to still his shoes. Then I thought to myself, this guy has probably been in a lot of fights because people just want to take advantage of him because of his size.
For our second drink, we ordered Espresso Martini, but that thing is like juice and drank that way too quickly. I really liked our date and I wanted it to go on, so when he went to the washroom I ordered our third drink which was a red from St. Emillion; $55/glass. When he sat down, I told him I would pay for this round. When the bill came he didn't flinch, but there were issues with the card that made me nervous. I did offer to pay for the $55/glass wines.
Because we were getting up at different times to use the bathroom, I didn't realize how short he was. He is NOT 5'4 he's like 5'2 or 5'3; I am 5'41/2 and I am taller than him. All in all I had a good feeling about this guy and definitely interested. We have decided we will do a second date.
Second date update to come!
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