Seriously... Why in 3s?

1. Chinese Fob

2. Korean Hot Dog

3. Some guy named Chris

1. This Chinese Fob was interesting... He was super needy. Wanted to talk everyday messaged me everyday. Wanted to know what I was doing every minute of the day. If I didn't message he would write a billion messages asking me if I was ok. OMGGG!!!! He also said he hasn't traveled much would love to go to Greece for his honeymoon.. He was just too needy for me. I don't know why I even swipe right on these Chinese fobs. The miscommunication is fucking annoying. Case and point the conversation. He fucking said he still lived with his family. When I copied his text he calls me a liar? And yes, his name was Sandy. But he was the bigger person and said lets stop chatting if I wasn't interested. Thank God, because he was on his way of being ghosted.

2. Korean Hot Dog - the reason why I call him that is because he brings Korean Hot Dogs to Toronto to franchise them. There is no real update on this guy. I guess he just ghosted me!?

3. Some guy named Chris - I couldn't find his profile on CMB, I guess he unmatched me? I sort of stopped talking to him, but I don't really know why.. I don't have a nickname for him because I haven't interacted with him. The last message sent was, "How are you doing"? and then I never seemed to have responded.

Perhaps I am not ready to date? This is an aspect of my life I have neglected and it is something I need to fix. I now have a job where I can focus on myself instead of the executive. I don't want to be alone for the rest of my life, so I guess it's now or never!

Although.... I do have a date with a guy on Sunday... Lets see how that goes.. I was supposed to meet up with him last week, but honestly, he wanted to meet up at 8pmET on Friday, I have kick boxing on Saturday mornings... soooo... I decided to cancel our date and order McDonalds, needless to say, I had a GREAT Friday night! His name is going to be Ditched for McDonalds, but so far, he seems like hearted, he doesn't want to have kids.. CMB profile, he had a topless picture, barely can see his face. He didn't have much on his profile. Let's see how this goes. Wish me luck!


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